3 Easy Ways to Draw an Owl

Owl Drawing

Let's learn how to Draw an Owl … or 2 or 3! In this post you will find step by step instructions for creating an easy Owl drawing! I'll walk you through the steps of this adorable little winged creature, that was scanned from an early 1900's drawing book in my collection. At the bottom of the post you will find a printable practice worksheet that you can print out and have space for your work. The practice sheet also includes 2 other simple Owl Drawing easy lessons, including a sideview pose, and an Owl's head illustration. You can print out as many practice sheets as you like, so that you can keep at it until you achieve the results that you are looking for. For Personal Use.

Owl Drawing

How to Draw an Owl Step by Step

Kids or grown ups alike can follow these simple steps in this Owl Drawing guide!

Owl Drawing Step 1

Step 1 Owl Eyes Step 1 First draw the Owl's eyes. Create 2 circles and fill them in for the pupils (you may want to leave a white portion for the highlight of the eye, or you can create it later with an eraser if you are using a graphite pencil). Create 2 more circles around the first one, leaving some white space in between. Then create 2 curved lines as shown above.

Step 2

Step 2 of Art Lesson

Step 2 Next continue the curved line so that it wraps around under the eyes and meets just under the top of that line, leaving a little space.

Step 3

How to Draw a Simple Owl

Step 3 Now let's draw the Owl's body. Make an oval shape starting just near his eye on one side, and wrapping around to the other eye on the other side.

Step 4

Owl Drawing

Step 4 Add 2 Curved narrow lines on either side of his body for the wings. Then add a U shape line to the bottom of his body for his tail. Draw two straight parallel lines for the branch and then create 3 tiny ovals at the bottom of his body for his feet. Next draw a diamond shape for his beak, shading one side of it and leaving the other side white for the highlight. At this point you have a pretty cute little Owl Cartoon Drawing with these simple lines. You could stop there if you wanted or you can continue on below to add more detail to the drawing.

Step 5

Finished Owl Sketch

Step 5 For the final drawing step, add additional detail as shown above to add texture and complete the illustration. If your drawing is in pencil, you can erase out a little highlight on both eyes, if you didn't leave white spots in step one. I just love the eyes on this little guy, so expressive!

Step 6

Owl Drawing in Color Step 6 Now for the fun part! The only thing left to do is color your cute Owl Drawing in! Grab your colored pencils, markers or crayons and color in your artwork and then admire your masterpiece.

Owl Drawing Easy Printable Practice Sheet

I've included a full size printable that shows how to Draw all 3 different Types of Owls. The lessons include just the head of an Owl, a long body Owl and the smaller little Owlet from above! Just like the example above, the drawing lesson starts with some very simple shapes and the steps progress until it gets to the finished drawing, that is complete with textured plumage and lots of details. I also, like the simple cartoon type images or Doodle drawings without the details, these are great for kids. A fun one for the kids or anyone else that likes to Doodle or draw, adults included! You might also like some of the other drawing lessons and drawing guides in this series. You can find the How to Draw Birds HERE, How to Draw Dogs HERE,  How to Draw Frogs HERE,and How to Draw Squirrels. Now go ahead and grab a pen or pencil, and some paper and get doodling!

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Source: https://thegraphicsfairy.com/kids-vintage-printable-draw-some-owls/

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