Cant Play Any Other Games When My Games Are Family Shared on Steam

steam family sharing not working
steam family sharing not working

Steam is a platform that absolutely needs no introduction. It is the main stop for all those that are looking to purchase and play games on PC. There are many other platforms that provide a similar feel, simply none are even close to being equally pop as Steam thanks to its longevity and great deals. It as well provides a few amazing features which brand it much more enjoyable to utilise than near other options out there. One of these great features which make Steam then nifty is the Family Share pick.

This is a dandy characteristic if your PC is used by multiple different people and they all like to play games on their different Steam accounts. Instead of all of you having to purchase the aforementioned game with all your different accounts, yous tin can use Family Share on Steam in guild to play. This merely requires you to buy the game with 1 account and so you can apply it with all of the different accounts in the Family unit Share group.

The all-time function is that all your different achievements that yous earn are saved to the account beingness used rather than the account of the person who owns the game. In short, it is a great feature that comes in very handy. Merely this is obviously only the example when the feature actually works. There are many cases in which the Family unit Share feature provides players with many bug. Here'south what you lot should try out if yous're unable to get the feature to work properly.

How to Gear up Steam Family unit Sharing Not Working?

  1. Brand Sure Authorization is Granted

Sometimes Steam automatically disables the Family unit Share characteristic on its own which requires players to go through the process of authorizing it again and so that information technology can be used. The data is all still there and the accounts that are in the share group are still saved as well, meaning that there's nothing to worry about. Steam just sometimes automatically disables the shared library function which y'all then demand to enable again to get Family Share working.

That existence said, all you have to practise is go into the settings of your Steam library and enable the characteristic again. Yous need to log in with the account of the person that owns the shared library. Now all you have to do is go into the device management settings from the Steam settings. Make certain that all the accounts listed in the ''Manage Family Library Sharing'' menu are marked every bit eligible for the Family Sharing feature.

  1. Unsupported Game

The Family Share feature which we're discussing today is certainly very useful every bit already mentioned before, but it does have one limitation that most are unpleased with. This limitation is that not every game on Steam supports the characteristic. This means in that location are some games that won't run on a different account fifty-fifty if you lot're sharing your library with a said business relationship through the Family Share options.

Yous merely have to expect up the specific game that's causing the effect through your web browser. Now exercise a petty research regarding this particular game and notice out whether or non it works with the Family unit Share feature. If the game in question cannot be shared, there's not much you tin can practise nearly the upshot except for hoping that it gets support for Family Share shortly. You should still exist able to play some of the many other games in your library despite this.

  1. Disable Any Antivirus Programs

It is highly recommended that you disable all antivirus related programs currently running on your computer and make certain that they stay disabled for every bit long as you're trying to utilize the characteristic. These programs are known culprits for this issue equally they cause many issues with Family unit Share and with Steam in general.

Luckily, all that you demand to do in order to set up the issue is turn off whatsoever antivirus programs. Whitelisting Steam doesn't seem to work perfectly either which is why information technology is recommended that you disable them completely. Now only restart your estimator later you do so and and so run Steam again. Try to employ Family Share to play a game and it should now be working.

  1. Simultaneous Users

You must make certain that no one in your group of Family Share is using the shared library to play a game at the same fourth dimension every bit another user as it will surely cause bug. The feature won't piece of work at all for i user while another is already online and playing a game from the shared library. This is the instance for obvious reasons, and the solution for it is quite obvious too.

All that you have to do is get the other person currently using the shared library to stop playing or wait for them to stop themselves. Either way, yous should be able to go Family Share working for you as presently as the other online user stops using the feature.

  1. Change Steam File Locations

Irresolute the location of installation files and general plan files of Steam is a slap-up style of getting the Family Share feature working over again. It is a known solution that worked for many, and it should work for you likewise. All y'all have to do is navigate to the Steam installation folder, which should be located wherever you installed it on your PC. You should be able to hands discover it with the assistance of the search feature.

Excluding SteamApps, Userdata and Steam.exe. and the files in them, delete every other folder and file you lot see in the installation folder of Steam. At present cut and paste said installation folder to an entirely new location of your option. Later on, turn on the application and log in to your Steam account. At present make sure that the Family Share feature is up and running before trying to use information technology. It should now exist working perfectly without any issues.


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