In a perfect globe, texting someone you like would be elementary. You call up of something funny or sweet or interesting to say—picking the perfect emojis to get with your bulletin of form—you text them, and they text back a minute or 2 after. You know, like an actual conversation.

Instead, what sometimes happens is that your text might go unanswered for awhile... or they might text back right away, and then autumn off the face of the World for the side by side 48 hours...or yous might go your friends' aid crafting a text that incorporates a GIF practically fabricated for that moment, only to get no response at all. What gives?

Luckily, Reddit's AskMen forum has they answered. There, guys sounded off on how they text. Some don't put much thought into it, but others employ their response time to ship a articulate message about their feelings for the recipient.

The bottom line: if you lot're driving yourself crazy attempting to analyze how someone really feels about yous based on their response time, relax. Sure, they might be sending subliminal messages...or that 12-hour time gap just might mean they were decorated doing something else. If it really bothers you, he might non be the right guy for you.

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It really depends on what they're doing in the moment.

1. "I'll reply when I tin. I'm commonly in the centre of homework/sports so whatsoever chance to respond is a good fourth dimension." —PancakesAndPunk

2. "Could be a minute or two, could be never. Only depends on my mood." —

3. "Between 20 seconds and five days. There are then many variables when it comes to texts. What am I doing at the moment? Am I even holding my phone? If not, where is it? Who texted? How important is their text? Do I need to notice out something after and reply with that? Will I forget to text them later I find out the answer since it'southward been a few hours already? All things considered, I try to respond as quickly as possible. And then, if I'm belongings my telephone and it's someone I actually don't heed talking to, my replies will be instant." — ChuckZombie

4. "If the phone is in my easily, I'll respond most right away, depending on the person. If not, then who knows when I'll reply. My life doesn't circumduct around my phone."- zackaria1991

5. "Somewhere between 10 seconds and 48 hours. Text communication says to me, 'Hither'due south some information/a question that can wait until it's user-friendly for you to get to it.' If you lot need something correct now, call me." — Byizo

6. "Depends. I don't always run around with a phone."— lastrada2

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Some people are really calculating — and their response time depends on how they feel almost the person.

7. "Usually as shortly as I can etch a good response. If I just started talking to a girl, I might look ten-20 minutes so I don't seem overly eager." —izlude7027

8. "Not immediately, non even shut. it takes me a while...But in a relationship usually pretty chop-chop." —aepure

9. "If someone takes forever to respond to my texts for no reason, I wait exactly how long they take to respond to my texts." — scraynes

10. "If information technology'southward a friend, I answer immediately. If it'southward someone I'm dating or something I usually go out around ten minutes between receiving the message and reading and answering. In my experience, if I always reply immediately when I receive a message, they lose involvement considering I come off as needy or something? Since I've learned to 'comprise' myself and almost always wait a few minutes before replying, the other person's involvement doesn't fade nearly every bit apace anymore. Now, only when I'thousand in a relationship with someone do I reply immediately when I see information technology." — PowerPeels

eleven. "If it's someone I similar, 30 seconds. If it'due south someone who usually spreads drama... well, I take a message I nevertheless haven't read because I don't intendance for her at all. Got it three days agone." — ObviouslyNotAMoose

And some people pretty much e'er text back right away.

12. "I answer immediately, why wouldn't I?" —PrintError

13. "I'one thousand pretty fast about it when I notice. Effectually a minute if I see/hear my phone. If I'grand in the shower or something then like fifteen or so mins later. If my telephone is not almost me though it might take upward of a few hours." — KingoPants

xiv. "I have my phone on me at pretty much all times, and so rarely more v minutes." -ThinkerTanker

15. "Usually as before long equally I observe it in my inbox." — bored-information